Seasonal Sprinkler System Maintenance Tips

Seasonal Sprinkler System Maintenance Tips

With the change of season comes a change in your lawn’s watering needs. Maintaining your sprinkler system is the secret to a lush, green yard through all seasons. Here are some easy and practical seasonal sprinkler system maintenance tips to keep your lawn looking great year-round. Seasonal Sprinkler System Maintenance Tips Spring – Getting Ready […]

How to Choose the Right Sprinkler System for Your Lawn

How to Choose the Right Sprinkler System for Your Lawn

A well-planned and professionally installed sprinkler system is essential for any gardener who desires a lush, green, and healthy-looking lawn. With so many options on the market, how do you choose the right sprinkler system for your lawn and fulfill its watering requirements? We’ll help you choose the best sprinkler model that suits the type […]

How Long Should My Sprinkler System Last?

Pioneer Underground Lawn Sprinklers Omaha, NE - Residential and Commercial Lawn Sprinkler System Services

Installing a sprinkler system is a great way to maintain a green landscape with minimal effort. A well-maintained sprinkler system can last for a long time, usually a couple of decades. Proper maintenance and timely repairs are essential to ensure the system works for many years. How Long Should My Sprinkler System Last? Lifespans of […]

How to get a Low-Maintenance Lawn with a Sprinkler System

How to get a Low-Maintenance Lawn with a Sprinkler System

The popularity of traditional lawns has declined due to water restrictions and myths about lawn care. Lawns are great to have but can be high-maintenance and often criticized for their supposed high water needs. Here’s a big secret about lawn care. Lawns don’t have to be difficult to maintain, and it’s not necessary for your […]

What is the Most Wasteful Irrigation Method?

What is the Most Wasteful Irrigation Method?

What’s the most wasteful irrigation method, and how does it compare to what’s out there as an alternative? Here’s what studies are saying about more effective irrigation methods for the future. What is the Most Wasteful Irrigation Method? The most wasteful irrigation method is also one of the oldest. Traditional irrigation methods (flood and surface […]

Beyond Watering: When To Fertilize And Dethatch Your Lawn

Beyond Watering: When To Fertilize And Dethatch Your Lawn

With spring arriving and summer on the way, gardeners should assess their lawns. The correct lawn preparation ensures your grass grows properly this season. While watering strategies are critical to lawn health, it’s critical to fertilize and dethatch your lawn to ensure optimal growth. Beyond Watering: When to Fertilize and Dethatch Your Lawn When to Fertilize […]

Are Wildfires Common in Eastern Nebraska?

Are Wildfires Common in Eastern Nebraska?

The sky turns to a dusty red-orange hue, blotting out the sun. It’s a wildfire in Nebraska. Nebraskans know this event all too well. The wildfires of 2022 swept through much of the state, wreaking havoc as they burned through timber and grasslands. The severity of the wildfires was so great that affected areas will […]

Does a Sprinkler System Save Money?

Does a Sprinkler System Save Money?

Have you ever found yourself pondering whether investing in a sprinkler system will save you money? Well, you’re not alone! In a world where every penny counts and environmental consciousness is on the rise, understanding the economic implications of installing and operating a sprinkler system becomes increasingly crucial. In this guide, we’ll explore whether investing […]

What Do Frost Quakes Sound Like?

What Do Frost Quakes Sound Like?

In the hush of winter, when temperatures plummet and frost arrives, there’s a strange phenomenon that adds an unexpected twist to the season – frost quakes. You might have heard of them, but what exactly do frost quakes sound like? In this guide, we explore the unique sounds that accompany these cold-weather occurrences. What Do […]

Why is My Sprinkler Leaking After Freeze?

Why is My Sprinkler Leaking After Freeze?

During winter months, it’s common for lawn sprinkler systems to develop issues and technical problems. Preparing an irrigation system for the cold temperatures of winter (winterization) is important, and failing to do so can cause leaking or busted pipes after the first freeze. Here’s what you need to do when your sprinkler system pops a […]