How do I Keep my Grass Green During a Heat Wave?

Lush green grass sets the scene for a beautiful summer. Unfortunately, at times the summer green seems to slowly fade into a crunchy brown as the summer months progress. After two to three weeks of insufficient water, grass will go into a dormant state due to drought or a heatwave. When this happens, plants, as well as leaves on trees, will die back to conserve water for the roots. Luckily, there are some things you can do to keep your lawn healthy and green during a heat wave.

How do I Keep my Grass Green During a Heat Wave?

It might seem impossible to avoid your lawn from turning brown or developing brown spots. However, these summer lawn care tips can help protect your lawn from heat damage. Below, we outline some of the ways to help keep a green lawn throughout the hot summer months.

Aerate your Lawn in the Fall

When soil is aerated, the grassroots are able to grow deeper and can take in air and water at deeper levels. All of this helps your lawn to be more resilient when hot weather strikes.


Mow your lawn either in the early morning or early evening to avoid the extreme heat and hottest parts of the day. The taller the blades of grass are, the better they will be able to handle the heat. Therefore, you will want to set the lawnmower blades at three inches or more above the ground.


Each week, give your grass one to one and a half inches of water, as early in the day as possible. Watering your lawn in the morning gives the soil sufficient time to soak in the liquid before the heat of the day evaporates it. Beware of watering your lawn in the evening, as it might make fungal diseases worse.

Support the Grass

Lawn fertilizer contains nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, and provides support to the grass during the summer heat. With the aid of fertilizer, grass grows strong from the roots and stays healthy, and lush. It is best to start fertilizing before the summer heat to prepare your lawn before the heat arrives.

Don’t Mow During a Drought

During the stress of drought, try to limit or avoid mowing your lawn, as your lawn has minimum capabilities to recover from mowing, and it can cause even more damage. In these circumstances rather mow the grass after rainfall or after an irrigation day. Although try to resist mowing when the grass is still wet to avoid clumping.

Sharpen Mower Blades

The grass will heal much faster when cut with sharp mower blades. Mowing with dull blades tears the plant tissue instead of cutting it. In turn, this can cause damage to your grass. Torn grass creates a brown appearance and is more vulnerable to disease and stress.

Don’t Bag Clippings

If possible, use a mulching mower so that the clippings can be returned to your lawn. Grass clippings act as a slow-release fertilizer as they decompose on your lawn, which can be beneficial to your lawn’s health.

Minimize Traffic

Foot traffic on already damaged grass can beat down the grass blades which prevents them from springing back up. Laying down stepping stones in certain high-traffic areas will help avoid people walking on the grass.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, a local lawn care professional can provide you with an analysis of your lawn’s needs. After analyzing your lawn, a professional will set you up with a scheduled service plan for the greenest, healthiest lawn, even during a heat wave.

Additional Information: What Causes Brown Spots in the Lawn?

Pioneer Underground Lawn Sprinklers | Omaha’s Best Commercial & Residential Sprinkler Systems

Contact Pioneer Underground Lawn Sprinklers to schedule a free estimate on a system install or to find out what you can do to make your existing system more efficient. We welcome commercial and residential clients. And remember, whether you need our services now… or later in the season, Your Healthy Lawn is Our Passion and we are only a phone call away! Call 402-934-7900 to schedule your service.

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